
The history of tabletweaving:

The oldest found tabletwoven fabric is the Ramses-belt, that has been dated to the

time about 1200 b.C.

Further very old findings have benn found in northern Africa, Egypt, Asia, Europe and

Iceland. Up until today it is unsure where tabletweaving has its roots or who has

developed it.

Tabletweaving has been developed and influenced by many cultures, but we are mostly

interested in the weaving of the viking-age.

There have been several findings of tabletwoven band from the celtic bronze-age in Scandinavia (2nd Century) have been used to connect or split the warp thread on vertical weight hand looms. A tabletwoven band with long wheft threads has been attached on the top of a high-loom, the long hanging wheft threads became the warp threads, by beeing tied down by using weight stones. So the fabric that has been woven on the so prepared loom had tabletwoven start.

Some findings from Norway have been dated back to the third century. Some of the findings even had a tabletwoven band on both sides, that have been directly woven with the fabric.

The biggest know finding of tabletweaving has been made on the Oseberg-ship, which has     been dated to the year 850. A Band-weaving-device with 52 laced tablets and partially ready    band, as well as many finished bands with diagonal designs or sewn designs have benn found.

It is possible to wrtie much about tabletweaving, but this shall be enough for a short insight 


tabletwoven bands